Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce

Thought Leader Podcast Recap: A Conversation with John Maher

Below is a recap of the published podcast episode published on October 18, 2022, where John Maher, founder and CEO of John Maher Builders, shares his life journey, experiences, and insights about building his business and giving back to the community.

Key speakers

This podcast episode includes the following speakers:
  • Rebecca Melton, Executive Director, Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce
  • John Maher, Founder and CEO, John Maher Builders

Episode takeaways

Takeaway 1: Early influences and the importance of deferred gratification in achieving financial success

John Maher credits his father as one of the earliest influences in his life, teaching him the importance of saving money and living within his means. This lesson in deferred gratification has been a significant factor in Maher’s financial success throughout his life.

Takeaway 2: The power of goal setting and the impact of coaches and teachers

Maher shared how the influence of his teachers and coaches, particularly in high school, led him to pursue a college education and set goals for himself. Their impact helped him develop the confidence and determination that have carried him throughout his life.

Takeaway 3: Embracing lifelong learning and seeking new opportunities

Maher emphasized the importance of being a lifelong learner, constantly seeking out new knowledge and opportunities to grow. He shared that he is currently involved in a mastermind group with entrepreneurs from around the world, which has inspired him to explore new business ventures.

Insights surfaced

  • John Maher’s strong work ethic and grit were influenced by his father, coaches, and teachers.
  • Maher believes in investing in children and the community, seeing it as a smart investment with returns rather than just charity.
  • Lifelong learning and seeking knowledge are important for personal and professional growth.
  • Maher highly recommends Dale Carnegie training for improving confidence and human relation skills.

Key quotes from John Maher

  • “One of my favorite sayings is, when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear.”
  • “I was a terrible student, but I’ve become a good lifelong learner.”